Q: How many pieces can I enter?
A: One entry per person. And all entries must be submitted as hardcopies. For more information, please see Program Guidelines inside the Application.
Q: How long will the selected entries be posted in Austin?
A: The boards will be up for the life of the vinyl, typically one year.
Q: Who are the judges?
A: (See Judges Page)
Q: What media can I use?
A: Anything you want. Collage, photo, pen & ink, acrylic... ANYTHING. If you work in sculpture and or ceramic, you can provide a photo of your work,
but please be aware that whatever you choose to work in will ultimately be portrayed in a 2D printed recreation.
Q: How will they be reproduced?
A: Billboards will be printed digitally on a large format printer.
Q: Can I stretch existing art to fit the 8x20 scale?
A: You may, but be mindful that it will distort your work. Original pieces sized to 8" x 20" is the best way to approach the project.
Q: Can I crop my work or create Diptych / Tryptic solutions from many works?
A: Cropping is not a problem. Multiple pieces on one entry is also acceptable just be sure it does not become too cluttered. Outdoor works best
when it is simple and eye catching. Outdoor art should think in these terms as well.
Q: Where will the billboards be located?
A: All over. These will be placed on our "Space Available" locations. As a board is sold to a paying customer, the art will be relocated.
This may happen numerous times throughout the campaign, so that artists’ work will not necessarily be in any one place for very long.
Q: When can I get my artwork back?
A: After the winners are announced, artwork will be available for pick up at Reagan Outdoor Advertising from November 2 to December 14, 2018.
We will not be held responsible for artwork not picked up by December 1st. We get hundreds of entries and have only a limited amount of storage space.
Q: When will we know if we won or have not.
A: All entrants will be notified via email. Winning piece will also be announced via Facebook, website and general press release within a month of final
selection and posting.
Q: Can I email my artwork?
A: Absolutely... but the judging process may need to consider things like textures, vibrancy, and other qualities that may be lost in photo / emails.
(Factoid: 100% of 2016's winners were hard copies, matted and mounted - 100% of honorable mentions were hardcopies).
Q: If selected, where will my artwork be used?
A: All selected art (winners and honorable mentions) will be scanned and used on the website and the Facebook page to help market the projects
in the following years.
Q: Is this some rights grabbing contest where you use my work to sell cars or hamburgers?
A: Absolutely not. The contest is meant to highlight local talent and give them the unique opportunity to see their work larger than life in front
of a gallery of millions of motorists. Winning art will be used exclusively on select billboards and to market the project for future iterations.
Q: Is there anything off limits as far as subject matter?
A: Artwork containing profane language, nudity, offensive or racist content will be excluded from the judging process. Please use your best judgment.
Q: Where do I get my artwork matted or mounted at that size?
A: Skyline Art Prints, here in Austin, has agreed to offer their services for matting and mounting. Prices vary depending on your preference of media.
Skyline Art Printing • 4120 Commercial Center Drive #100, Austin, TX 78744 • (512) 497-2822
Q: I have digital files or photos, where do I get them printed?
A: Skyline Art Prints, here in Austin, has agreed to print all Austin Art Boards entries for a discounted rate of 15% off - be sure to use coupon code ArtBoard2018 at check-out to redeem the discount.
In-Store pick up or shipping options are available. Upload your file(s) to www.skylineartprints.com/art-board-2018, they ask that
you send them files that are minimally sized to 8x20 @ 200 dpi, maximum dpi of 300.
Files should be saved as JPG file. Skyline Art Printing • 4120 Commercial Center Dr. #100, Austin, TX 78744. Hours:9:00am-4:00pm Phone:512.497.2822
For any Questions you do not see here, email us at austinartboards@gmail.com